years ago, I was working as a volunteer with youth and loved it. Then hurtful
things happened and I found my voice being silenced and my spiritual gifts
being negated. I had a couple of people I trust ask me if maybe God was using
those things to redirect me to a different ministry where I could use my voice,
experiences, and gifts freely. I wrestled with their words and could not decide
if leaving was a redirection or running from a difficult situation God wanted
me to work through. One night I went to bed and dreamed I was walking down a
busy street and every person I passed had empty eyes and no mouth. I woke up
with tears pouring down my cheeks, begging the Lord to please give people their
voices. God used the dream to develop a new passion in me--a passion to help
people regain their voices, speak their stories and move past pain they have endured.
It led me to start writing curriculum and to start a support group ministry in
which women find safety and are encouraged to use their voices. In our groups they
get to tell their stories, knowing their stories will be treated with respect
and they will be heard and treated with compassion. In this ministry we get to
walk along side of women as they connect to the Savior so deeply they find hope,
healing, and freedom from their pasts.
parents sometimes say things that shame children into silence, causing them to
quit using their voices to tell their stories and express their emotional pain.
Sadly, that pain actually signals that something is wrong and needs to be
corrected, leaving them unprotected. The kinds of words that silence kids are:
"Don't feel that way!" "You must have misunderstood what they
said (or did)." "Don't be a baby." "Don't let you sister
know she hurt you and maybe she won't do it anymore." "Other kids
don't feel (or cry) the way you do!" "Hush, we can't talk about that
person that way. We will ruin his reputation. (hurt our church’s testimony)."
"Tell them sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never
hurt me." "Stop that crying!" "If you keep crying, I will
give you something to cry about." "Put a smile on your face right
now!" "We don't do anger in this house!" "Grow up!"
Sometimes these messages given are silent or subtler. Maybe a child is only
acknowledged or given attention when they smile and don’t complain. A lot of
kids are never asked why they are sad, scared, or don't want to participate in activities.
responses to emotional pain and hard stories are not always better. Take the
issue of anger. We can forget there is an anger that is righteous. Christ
demonstrated it several times. Yet, when I shared about the bullying my kids
were experiencing on a daily basis, I was admonished by a believer for not
forgiving. I honestly forgave daily, but it didn't stop the bullying or the
pain we experienced as a family. Those who are hurting may first try to share
anger over their mistreatment. They are often quickly silenced by admonitions
to forgive, reminders that believers are supposed to be full of joy, or a Bible
verse quoted in a condescending way. These things silence people, leaving them
with their pain intensified by the secondary emotion of shame, causing people
to deny and to bury both the story and the emotion deeper. What we need in
those moments is for someone to acknowledge the pain underneath our anger. Sexual
abuse victims' voices are silenced when they are asked what they were
wearing, what they were drinking, and what they did to provoke the predator.
They are also silenced when they are met with skepticism or told something that
indicates they aren’t believed.
Take the
issues associated with anxiety provoking events. Several years ago, one of our
sons was in an ATV accident and his spleen ruptured. He when into surgery in serious
condition and had complications that included fluid building up around his
heart. I stayed with him in ICU for 12 days and then another six days in a
regular room. During that time there was a lot of talk about another major
surgery on a young man that had already had four units of blood given to him,
severe pain caused by being cut from chest bone to pubic bone, who just wanted
to be home. After we finally came home, I went to church and a woman asked how
we were doing and I started telling her about everything we went through.
Instead of letting me talk, she quickly put her hand on my arm and said,
"Oh, he is fine, now isn't he?" She may have been uncomfortable with
my story and emotions and just wanted me to be ok. Though she may have thought
she was helping me, what she did was silence my voice, causing me to stuff
emotions that were intensified by the shame behind the message that it was not
okay to talk about what we had experienced. I am thankful for counselors and friends
who let me use my voice to tell that story until I had drained all the emotions.
To be
honest, I get frustrated by those who tell people facing anxiety provoking
events that they are sinning for feeling what they feel and for sharing their concerns.
Can we not just turn to the person and ask them in that moment if we could pray
for them or what we could do to help instead of judging them? We could pray God
would meet them in the middle of their hard, that He would give them the
strength they need to face each day, that He would calm their fears, and give
them insight into what He is doing. We could pray His love would overwhelm them
as they journey through difficult times and that He would show them things
about Him that they would not otherwise see.
We are
friends with a family whose little boy had stage four liver cancer. The mom
shared posts on Facebook that included their journey and the Bible art she was
drawing that helped her get through those long days of hospital stays. Every
year she shares the memories that come up on her page about that time. I have
never once thought, "Oh, she should be over this by now.!" When she
shares I am reminded of what God did with that sick little boy, with his
parents, with his extended family, and with his church. I believe every time
she shares those posts I am privileged to hear her voice and watch her continue
to work through the medical trauma they all experienced. Some want the church
to be a place where everyone is happy all the time, but it isn’t. While we pray
for healing, God doesn't always choose to heal. Maybe there are lessons for us
in how to love and show compassion in the hard-ongoing painful situations God
is working in. Can we allow people to grieve when they need to and to express
their concerns even if it is uncomfortable for us or makes us realize God doesn’t
fit into a nice and neat little box?
Our God
is a communicating God. His word contains stories about real people who had
real emotions just like you and me and they had a need to share their stories,
too. Think about Joseph who was sold into slavery and suffered so many
injustices as he did his best to live well. When those brothers who had sold
him showed up at his door needing food, he had a lot of emotions to work
through. He cried, He wailed, and he tested them. Those tears and the working
through the abuse he suffered was what enabled him to fully forgive his
brothers and see God's redemptive plan fully unfold before him so that he, in
his grace, preserved the nation of Israel.
When we
read Paul's letters to the various churches we catch bits and pieces of his
story written in them. I don't believe when he wrote and preached about his
past history of trying to destroy the church that he didn't feel remnants of
grief over the deaths he caused and the families he destroyed. At the same
time, I believe he was overjoyed at the grace God showed him and it motivated
him to write and preach the powerful things he did. When he talked about the
suffering he endured relationally and physically as a missionary, he penned and
preached those things with the same feelings we might experience in those
situations. His voice has served generations of believers, including us. From
him we learn about the depth of God's grace, and the richness that comes in
persevering in the hard.
If we
aren't willing to hear others' voices and the stories they tell and if we are
not willing to walk through the emotions that arise in the telling, we are
missing out on powerful redeeming stories that God is actively writing. We also
miss out on the opportunity to witness God's lavish grace. As I watched the
trial of Dr. Larry Nassar, who sexually abused hundreds of girls, I was
infuriated by his predatorial attempts to manipulate the
survivors into feeling sorry for him and the judge into silencing their
voices in the court room. But the judge did not put up with it. She gave
everyone who wanted to speak the chance to use their voice. In doing so, she
validated their stories and the pain they suffered at his hands. We need to
remember we do not have the right to silence other's voices either--not with
platitudes, not with admonitions, not with pats on the arm followed by,
"Now, now everything is ok.!" Neither do we have the right to silence
others' hard questions about where God was, where God is, or where God will be in
their painful stories. We are called to show the same compassion Jesus showed and
that includes allowing people to use their voices. Giving importance to another’s
voice is giving value to the person and their story.